Sunday, August 22, 2010

Real Facts About Shrimps

Shrimp dishes are well-loved by many seafood lovers because of its strong smell and soft meat. Most chefs in restaurant can experiment with different ingredients using shrimps and come up with very delectable shrimp dishes. Shrimps are considered special and are mostly served during special occasions. It is not because they're expensive but people just find shrimps very appealing to guests.

Shrimps are high in cholesterol and nutritionists have attested that 100 grams of shrimp is equivalent to 122 to 250 mg of cholesterol. But then, as long as you don't eat too much shrimps, they are great for the body. Except for the high cholesterol that you can possibly result from eating too much shrimps, there are several benefits that you can get from shrimps.

Shrimps can serve as energy boosters. When we are stressed, we usually lack vitamins and minerals like iron and since shrimps are rich in iron, this can help us revitalize our body by taking in shrimps. Shrimps can also help build stronger bones. They are rich in calcium and phosphorus which are vital in having strong bones and teeth.

Another essential mineral that can found in shrimps is the copper. Copper helps our thyroid to be healthy and in great condition. In addition to that, shrimp is like tuna that contains Omega-3 fatty acids that is good for the heart and brain. Studies show that omega 3 fatty acids can assist a person to overcome depression and can also facilitate improving the condition of those people that are suffering from mood swings disorder.

Researches also show that shrimps can help us achieve a healthy, glowing skin and hair. This is because shrimps are also good source of protein that is important for our body to always look great. Most of all, shrimps contain selenium that is an essential nutrient in fighting a number of cancer problems like prostate cancer. In every 85 grams of shrimp, 48% of selenium needed by the human body can be achieved. Furthermore, selenium and sulforaphane is very effective in protecting yourself against cancer cells.

Shrimps are truly helpful in protecting our body from sickness and in making our body healthy and strong. Try preparing different shrimp dishes now and be amazed with the benefits you get from the shrimps you consume.

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