Different heart diseases are responsible for the death of 2.47 million people in the world in 2008 and are considered the second top leading cause of death. One common cause of heart disease is the lifestyle of the person like eating too much, alcohol abuse and other unhealthy habits. Many of us already changed or removed these unhealthy habits while others don't care what harm these habits can inflict to their bodies.
One healthy food that people today love to consume is tune. Tuna fish is a good source of nutrients and high quality protein needed by our body. It is commonly found in the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. Tuna is also rich in tryptophan which is an amino acid which is very important to us humans. It comprises one of the building blocks of DNA. Tryptophan can also be found in poultry, chocolate and some dairy foods.
Selenium which is a non-metallic element is also present in tuna and it promotes healthy chromosomes which protect and fight cancer cells. Furthermore, it helps remove harmful toxins from our body.
Tuna is also one of the best sources of high quality protein needed by our body. Protein helps our skin and hair remain healthy and glowing. In addition to that, tuna is loaded with Niacin, sometimes called Vitamin B3 or Nicotinic Acid, which considered an important component in our diet. It helps lower LDL cholesterol and triglyceride, increases HDL cholesterol, facilitates faster metabolism and cell repair. Niacin is made available in the market in the form of multivitamins.
Tuna is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are heart friendly fatty acids. Omega 3 helps avoid erratic heart beat thus prevent blood clot in heart arteries and ward off other cardiovascular diseases. It also serves as vitamins for the brain making us more mentally active. Even pregnant woman are encourage to take food rich in omega-3 because of its many advantages to the development of a child inside a womb like having a clear eyesight and faster development of the brain helps babies eyes and brain to develop.
There are lots of foods like tuna that are full of nutrients and can help us prevent from acquiring diseases. Let's take note of healthy foods that we should eat so we will always be fit and healthy.
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