Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wine Tasting 101 - Understanding The Basics

Wine tasting is simply referred to as 'tasting' to those who love it. It consists of analyzing different kinds of wine using his or her senses. Wine tasting has continued to grow in popularity and now even has its own language.

There are four primary tastes according to wine tasters: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Wine can be just one of these, or a combination of multiple tastes. Tasting is defined by not just the effect of tasting, but also the smell of it as well.

The Process of Wine Tasting
The color and clarity, taste, and smell are the most critical components. To determine the color and clarity, simply pour a glass of wine and hold it up in front of a white background and examine it.

If you are examining red wine, then look for maroon, brown, or purple traces. For white wine, green, amber, brown, and yellow are the colors to focus in on.

The smell is an important part of the process. You can do this by swirling the glass in an attempt to extract the smell of alcohol. What is known as the 'attack phase' involves sipping the wine and using your tongue to roll it around. Your initial evaluation is then documented.

The following phase of the process is what's known a the evolution phase. This involves the discernment of the wine's flavor profile. The finish is the last phase, and it refers to the amount of time in which the flavor stays in one's mouth after swallowing.

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